Permits for Homeowners

Building Permit Information


A building permit is needed for any structure 1,000 square feet or larger or if it is attached to the house. Residents looking for permit information can locate specifics in the Jackson Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 27, part 15. This chapter includes information about fences and swimming pools. 

For accessory structures like garages, sheds and storage buildings, see part 4. For decks, visit the Code Enforcement Agency’s (CEA) procedure list here. 

The website also has how-tos and applications for your use and reference here. 

Still have questions? Contact the Township Building at 724-452-5581, and we will happily assist you.

Driveway Permits

To construct a new driveway, or alter an existing driveway, residents need to fill out a Driveway Permit and submit it for approval. Directions on how to complete the permit are on the application. Residents may also need a Street Opening Permit to go along with driveway plans.

Alarm Systems

An Alarm Permit is required for any device designed for the detection of an unauthorized entry on the premises, its commission or occurrence, and, when actuated, gives a signal; either visual, audible or both; or transmits a signal, except residential, in-house fire alarms.