Overweight Vehicles Enforcement

Overweight Vehicle Breaking Bridge

One of the functions of the Jackson Township Police Department is safeguarding the motoring public through the enforcement of commercial truck regulations. These regulations are both Federal and Commonwealth. Have you ever wondered why some bridges have a restricted weight limit? 

At this time, most of the township roads in Jackson Township have a ten-ton weight restriction on them. Several state roads in the township also have this weight restriction. Any vehicle that weighs over ten tons on these roadways is in violation of the Vehicle Code and subject to prosecution. The fines for these violations are very expensive and can run from several hundred dollars up to, and in excess of, $20,000.00.

If there is no other way for an overweight vehicle to get to it’s destination, an overweight permit may be issued to traverse the weight-restricted roadway. This permit must be obtained in advance and with the approval of the Township Roadmaster. If there is a business or extended project on a weight restricted roadway, a bond must be put in place that the Township may draw on if the overweight vehicles damage the roadway. This bond must be in place in advance and with the approval of the township.

These weight restrictions and regulations are in place to protect the motoring public in general. The enforcement of these regulations keeps overweight vehicles off the restricted roadways. This preserves the condition of roads that were not designed to handle the heavy loads that are transported across our highways. Should you have any questions, you may contact the Township at 724-452-5581 or the Police Department at 724-452-5600.